Financial Services Risk, Regulation, Digital, Transformation and Integration Expert

Years of Consulting Service: 30 (1993 – to date)

Of which as Partner and Leader: 22 years (2001 – to date)

Professional Expertise:

-Advisor to 50+ CROs and CCOs in tier-1 banks, insurance, investment management firms  including life, equity and annuity investment firms

-Regulatory Compliance and Certification Regimes – Banking and Financial Services,  including tier-1 Market Infrastructure, ex-CCO of a G-SIFI

-Regulatory Affairs and Compliance for CEOs and COOs

-Digital Transformation of Risk and Compliance

-Data Privacy, Records Keeping and Cybersecurity

-Operational Risk and Non-Financial Risk

Academic Experience: Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales. MIT.

Thomas Dunlap

Senior Partner and CDO

Financial Services Data, Digital, Transformation, Integration, and Operational Risk Expert

Years of Financial Services Experience: 32 (1990 – to date)

Of which as Managing Director and Above: 13 (2010 – to date)

Professional Expertise:

-Group Chief Data Officer at London Stock Exchange Group; led Enterprise Data Governance and Data Operations functions (the latter inclusive of FTSE Russell indices)

-Senior Consultant at Raymond James Financial and DeepSee on the strategic design and implementation of data governance and AI / ML frameworks

-Managing Director at Goldman Sachs & Co. for Enterprise Data Strategy, Reference Data Operations, APAC Regulatory and Tax Operations, and International Private Wealth Management Operations

-Vice President at Citibank for Custody Operations, Fund NAV and Trust Accounting

Academic Experience: BA in Economics, Columbia University

Jay Iyer


Financial Services Data, Risk, Controls and Regulatory Expert

Years of Financial Practitioner Experience 26 (1997 – to date)

Of which as Senior Leader: 18 years (2005 – to date)

Professional Expertise:

-Development of key risk management, risk and regulatory policy and control  frameworks in financial services capital markets. Broad understanding of financial markets/products.

-Head of Compliance for 2 Global Brokerage firms responsible for regulatory compliance and financial crime oversight across their multiple jurisdictions, clients and staff.

-Leading Regulatory Affairs function for major Investment Bank

-Risk Management (Non-Financial, Financial, Operational, Regulatory).

Kirke Cushing

Executive Director, Risk, Data and Technology

Professional Expertise:

– Regulatory Risk, Data and Intelligence automation

-Due diligence review of multiple regulatory technology products in NA and EMEA

-Several Risk transformation programme experience

-Senior Data Management Officer for a tier-1 Bank responsible for all U.S. data management.

-Data architecture design and solutioning including execution of technology strategy for secure, large scale organizational build and data modelling

-Senior Vice President at a large tier-1 bank responsible for running and delivering a multi-year data led technology and operations’ transformation programme.

-Hands-on, articulate, goal-oriented, team player.

Matthew Ahart

Senior Partner

Professional expertise

   – Risk reviews to assess policies, procedures, and processes

   – Strategic assessments of new products, services and business lines 

   – Due diligence for mergers and acquisitions

   – Compliance reviews for laws and regulations applicable to financial services businesses 

   – Recent projects include

     (i) Ethics and Compliance risk review,

     (ii) SEC rules risk appetite review,

     (iii) RegTech and RiskTech due diligence, and

     (iv) Reg Reporting products due diligence

Vidyesh Mishra

Senior Manager

Professional Expertise:

-Operations Controls Director of a large, tier-1 business based in the Middle-East.

-Hands-on experience of due diligence, data management programs.

-Leads and supervises multicultural teams to achieve the desired goals.

-Ability to nurture and grow a team, evaluate opportunities and risks.

-Strong Project management skills from planning, execution to monitoring in various phases.