The Global Financial Innovation Network (GFIN) declared ICAG Partners, the Financial Services Strategy, Risk, Regulations and Data expert as the overall, Jump Solution Winner of its prestigious Greenwashing TechSprint.

25 September 2023

London, New York, Singapore, Tokyo

Greenwashing is one of the key global issues concerning the safe and responsible adoption of the ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) across the globe. The GFIN defines Greenwashing as a risk that portrays an organization’s products, activities or policies as producing positive environmental or social outcomes, or avoiding environmental or social harm, when this is not the case. It Is crucial to design, develop and adopt internationally acceptable policy, framework and tools that helps to stop greenwashing.

The GFIN TechSprint on Greenwashing

In April 2023, GFIN declared its first ever TechSprint to address the global greenwashing issues. ICAG Partners were chosen from the 100+ applicants as one of the 14 companies participating in the four months solutions development and using the digital sandbox provided by the UK’ Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

The GreenCheck® platform as a real-time digital platform to curb Greenwashing

ICAG Partners developed the GreenCheck® platform which is designed to stop Greenwashing. It contains an internationally validated, standardised and taxonomized platform that can be used to independently assess and verify all major Green Finance programme across the globe against potential greenwashing risks. Users of this platform will be able to utilise the contextualised analytics and insights from the GreenCheck® interface web and determine best uses of their ESG resources. Regulators will use GreenCheck® to validate greenwashing risks and claims, receive validated information to supervise the ESG related activities in their respective jurisdictions.

Jo Ann Barefoot, CEO at AIR and Barefoot Innovation Group, and the principal judge for the TechSprint announced ICAG Partners as the overall Jump Solution winner of the TechSprint and commented, “it is really great to see ICAG Partners developing a really innovative digital solution that can help to further progress our fight against greenwashing”.

Subas Roy, CEO of ICAG Partners said, “we are really pleased to win this prestigious award from 15 regulators and leaders in ESG and greenwashing. Our success is a testament to the hard work the team has delivered. We will continue to progress the GreenCheck® solutions further as we go to market with this solution in the coming months”.

Thomas Dunlap, Senior Partner at ICAG Partners mentioned, “tonight’s award once again proves the technical ingenuity of GreenCheck®, the 5Ts greenwashing risk assessment and the GRNIS framework is world-leading concept that measures and report greenwashing risks in real-time by taking into account all relevant ESG and other applicable regulations”.

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