The Rise of Operational Resilience regulations across the UK, Europe and North Americas shows the increasing importance of being ready to face disruptions and to continue servicing your customers and markets.

Diagram below articulates the Operational Resilience approach.

The Operational Resilience (OR) regulations including DORA are complicated pieces of legislations that expect RJOA to create, develop and maintain appropriate forward-looking approach to successfully handle major disruptive events and to continue operating and serving its key clients, markets and products. While DORA puts a stress on cybersecurity and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), the UK Operational Resilience regulation encompasses the wider Operational Risk discipline as well. Additionally, these principles also apply on the 3rd parties working with RJOA and obliges you to strengthen your 3rd Party Risk Management efforts. The diagram below explains the “six key focus areas” of the “Consolidated Operational Resilience Approach” between DORA, UK OR and DFSA OR regulations.

6 Key implementation Challenges of the Operational Resilience programme

Operational Resilience critical service definition

Scenario Analysis are critical part of the Implementationthe 3 steps approach

Operational Resilience framework – ICAG expertise